Monday, October 11, 2010

Quick recap: 12/10/2010

==> Read Chapter 4 of the text book before the Wednesday class -13/10/2010.
==> Wednesday discussion topic: Market Research
==>Summary of the first 6 lectures: Black board pic to be uploaded by Sagar.

==>What actually happened to Nirdosh :

==> Feedback of the Nirdosh case study : Video will be soon uploaded by kartik
Important Do's in the next case study:
1) try and analyse the case study from other subject's perspective as well and start relating it with them.
2) Plan the blackbaord.
3) use collar mic
4) one person should act as a sheet anchor.
5) more of interpretation

==> Deadlines of the project: 150 should be the least sample size with at least 20 surveys per team member.
19/10/2010 : the questionnaire should be ready
19-26/10/2010 : survey in mumbai ( at least 5 surveys to be done in mumbai )
1-10/11/2010 : survey in hometown , Happy Diwali :)
14/11/2010 : Complete the research work , happy children's day

Please add the points that you think have been missed.