Thursday, October 7, 2010

Review 7th OCT 2010

Case analysis: Nirdosh-Herbal Smoking Device.

Excellent Case Study to read & Analyse. What an Interactive session it was!
45mins of treasure unpacking...
Summary 5mins
Objective 5mins
Discussion 30mins
Final conclusion 5 mins
Set of 5 people voluntereed themselves to interact on the case & rest were passive participants, the kind of discusion which took place was appreciable & dynamic all were allowed to make there points.
Next lecture sir will be reviewing the details of Case with comments on our todays discussion & we will review the same in video format.

Note: Please from next time if case is given do get one sheet write-up. It's for our own beneficial.

Passion Leads to success...


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I would like to write about the discussion. The discussion started with a brief summary of the case study. The major points highlighted were that "Nirdosh" is a herbal smoke that cures ailment & its basic purpose is to act as an alternative to smoking while causing health benefits.

    Then we came to determine the objectives of the case study & discussion. The following points were identified as the main objectives:

    :: Right target group & marketing strategy.
    :: Right distribution technique or methods.
    :: Non-tobacco manufacturing devices.
    :: Competitors.
    :: Advertisement Strategy.

    Continuing towards our discussion, we selected the Target Group as the first point of discussion. Some of the major points discussed in the target groups are:

    @ Youth: Youth who take up smoking as a style statement should be considered for this as it can be healthy as well as prevent them from taking the bad habit of smoking tobacco.

    @ Smokers: Smokers should be targetd to substitute their smoking habits with that of Nirdosh so that they keep smoking but smoke healthy.

    @ Life Style: As mentioned earlier, those who pick up smoking just for the sake of life style can take this as their style statement while staying healthy.

    @ Beedi Smokers: Beedi smokers should be encouraged to smoke this as their substitute for the tendu leaves.

    @ Subsidies : under this section we discussed two main subsidies- smokers & non smokers. Both these section should be encouraged to smoke this healthy smoking option.

    Then the discussion continued towards the Brand Image section. Students came up with a lot of views about whts d position of it brand in current context as well as how to develop the image. The points discussed were:

    @ Bad Title: Nirdosh indicating Innocent which actually has nthng to do wth this. Moreover it was actually saying that there may be some kind of fault involved.

    @ Substitute for cigarrette: thus it is unable to create new customer.

    @ Indicates this as smoking device which confuses a lot.

    @ The name is dull. Not appealing.

    @ No specific or attractive punch line.

    @ As it is sold in Gujarat the most, Hindi/ Gujarati should also be used on covers.

    @Benefits should be highlighted outside.

    @ Names should be fancy like "Smoke King" etc etc.

    @ Packing should be attractive.

    Then we continued our interesting discussion towards selling & distribution strategy to be followed. The point highlighted are:

    # Door to door services should be encouraged by using salesman rather than doing that by only their son.

    # Restriction: the company is restricted to its own state only. places like UP & MP have a better affinity towards herbal prods than that of the Gujjus themseves. so it could have been a big market opprtunity.

    # VPP: Vpp actually cost them too much. Rather they should keep saleman to do such things.

    # Through Channels : they should identify networks & channels to distribute these stuffs. Differentother agencies should be used to make their products known to different people of the country.

    Finally the discussion came to the conclusion part. Further the class gave some of their mindful suggestions. they are..

    $ Using Whole sellers
    $ Proper identification of the product.
    $ A strong punch line like "Smoke to live long".
    $ Change the name
    $ Product should be more visible
    $ Mrket position should be strengthened using networks & tie ups.
    $ Value chain should be identified.

    Finally the class came up with further more strtegies & sugestions. In the monday's class, sir will be discussing about it in details & wht happened to the company.

    Thanks to Gaurav Sharma, Monish, Tarang, Anand & Divanshu for putting up a great effort. Thanks to Sagar & Kartik for the video. Sir really appreciated our work & placed us between MICA & NIRMA standard. Next tym.. we will go beyond that. Cheers to class!!!

    Any comments will be gracefully entertained.

  3. One of the major thing which we missed out is : Foreign excahnge & exports. We missed it out in the class discussion completely. And also deriving comments out of the numbers. we have to develop a keen sense in that regard in order to prove outrselve at par to the IIM grads. thanks..
